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The 81st Middle Atlantic
Optometric Congress 

The Middle Atlantic Optometric Congress operates under the auspices of the Optometric Extension Program Foundation (OEPF) and is hosted locally by the Behavioral Vision Project (BVP) Study Group.


This year’s program will be delivered in a hybrid format with limited registration available for in-person attendance.


Establishing the VISUAL in Rehabilitation and Trainings

Registration is now open for MAOC 2021

The recordings of all sessions will be available after the event ends for all registrants.

(loading) in-person registration slots are still open!

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Click here to purchase access for more days

81st Middle Atlantic Optometric Congress


Establishing the VISUAL in Rehabilitation and Trainings


Marsha Benshir, OD
Owen Leigh, OD
Gregory Kitchener, OD
Steve Gallop, OD





Under the Auspices of OEPF





Sponsored by: Bernell and Vivid Vision







Congress Schedule



Friday – October 22


SESSION 1: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (US ET) 


Behavioral Vision Project
VT Demonstration & Discussion: Cheiroscope.


This workshop will provide a brief review of the testing sequence and a discussion of sample results Testing Procedure and example results.  The Cheiroscope is more than the VanOrden Star.


SESSION 2: 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM (US ET)


Marsha Benshir, OD

Part 1: Vision Therapy or Vision Rehabilitation?

Optometrists offering diagnosis and treatment for disorders of vision development are likely to see neurologically impaired children. Prescribing vision therapy based on the diagnosis of the vision disorder, such as convergence insufficiency, amblyopia or strabismus, can extend the time in treatment often with unsatisfactory results. Determining the cause of the vision disorder is important to direct more effective interventions with faster responses to treatment and better outcomes.

Part 1 of this program will address symptoms of vision disorders that are often seen in neurologically impaired patients, and direct the optometrist’s thinking to potential causes. We will show how this approach directs vision rehabilitation, and how basic principles of neuroplasticity can be used to improve therapeutic efficacy. 



Saturday – October 23


SESSION 1: 9:00 AM – 10:45 AM US ET  


Owen Leigh, Optometrist

Part 1: Learning Related Vision Difficulties - Processes to Emphasize When Working

With Students of All Ages and Abilities
1. Directionality & coding – Vision to verbal and verbal to visual
2. Attention to spatial – less analysis and more feeling
3. Visualization - start where they are and take them on a journey
4. Integration – can they bring it all together (yet)?

Owen will explain how to observe and assess visualization and adapt your vision therapy to widen progress for each student. He will demonstrate some new approaches to familiar activities and several novel activities that have become core components in his vision therapy practice.

This presentation is suitable for vision therapists as well as experienced optometrists.

Each section will include rationale, assessment insight, and vision therapy examples.



SESSION 2: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (US ET)


Steve Gallop, OD

Thoughts on a Behavioral Model of Vision Care
Description Pending



SESSION 3: 1:30 PM – 3:15 PM (US ET)


Marsha Benshir, OD

Part 2: Vision Therapy or Vision Rehabilitation?

Optometrists offering diagnosis and treatment for disorders of vision development are likely to see neurologically impaired children. Prescribing vision therapy based on the diagnosis of the vision disorder, such as convergence insufficiency, amblyopia or strabismus, can extend the time in treatment often with unsatisfactory results. Determining the cause of the vision disorder is important to direct more effective interventions with faster responses to treatment and better outcomes.

Part 2 of this program will describe specific types of neurological syndromes with case reports to illustrate how this approach can enhance long term patient outcomes.



SESSION 4: 3:30 PM – 5:15 PM (US ET)


Owen Leigh, Optometrist


Part 2: Learning Related Vision Difficulties - Processes to Emphasize When Working

With Students of All Ages and Abilities


1. Directionality & coding – Vision to verbal and verbal to visual
2. Attention to spatial – less analysis and more feeling
3. Visualization - start where they are and take them on a journey
4. Integration – can they bring it all together (yet)?

Owen will explain how to observe and assess visualization and adapt your vision therapy to widen progress for each student. He will demonstrate some new approaches to familiar activities and several novel activities that have become core components in his vision therapy practice. 

This presentation is suitable for vision therapists as well as experienced optometrists.

Each section will include rationale, assessment insight, and vision therapy examples.



SESSION 5: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (US ET)


Ben Backus, PhD - Chief Science Officer, Vivid Vision


Visual Field Testing in Virtual Reality: Vivid Vision Perimetry


Visual field testing has changed very little since 1980. New tests use inexpensive tablets, computer displays, and virtual reality headsets, so they can provide much wider access to testing. How useful are these new tests to clinicians? How do they really differ from conventional tests such as HVA and Octopus? What is the patient experience like? 


SESSION 6: 7:15 PM (US ET)


Bull Session

Join in for informal sharing, questions/answers, observations related to Cheiroscopic testing.



Sunday – October 24


SESSION 1: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM (US ET)


Owen Leigh, Optometrist

Part 3: Learning Related Vision Difficulties - Processes to Emphasize When Working

With Students of All Ages and Abilities
1. Directionality & coding – Vision to verbal and verbal to visual
2. Attention to spatial – less analysis and more feeling
3. Visualization - start where they are and take them on a journey
4. Integration – can they bring it all together (yet)?

Owen will explain how to observe and assess visualization and adapt your vision therapy to widen progress for each student. He will demonstrate some new approaches to familiar activities and several novel activities that have become core components in his vision therapy practice. 

This presentation is suitable for vision therapists as well as experienced optometrists.

Each section will include rationale, assessment insight, and vision therapy examples.



SESSION 2: 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM (US ET)


Marsha Benshir, OD


Part 3: Vision Therapy or Vision Rehabilitation?


Part 3 will be a continuation to Part 2 presented on Saturday


SESSION 3: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM (US ET)


Marsha Benshir, OD 

Part 4: Vision Therapy or Vision Rehabilitation?


Part 4 will be a continuation to Part 3 presented this morning.


SESSION 4: 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM (US ET)


Greg Kitchener, OD


The Ecology of Visual Training





Congress Details




Single day - Friday only*: $55 USD

Single day - Saturday only: $120 USD

Single day - Sunday only: $100 USD

Full Congress - $250 USD

Optometry students: No charge - Registration required




  • Payment can be made by Credit Card, Debit Card, or PayPal Account

  • Refunds will not be available once the Congress begins. 

  • Registration includes attendance certificate for live hours attended, attendance hours submitted to ARBO, access to the live Congress sessions, and access to the Congress recordings for 30 days.


  • This event is appropriate for Optometrists, Optometry Residents & Students, and Vision Therapists.

  • This seminar is presented in English

  • Open to participants around the world

  • This year’s Congress is a hybrid event with limited registration available for in-person attendance. All registration, in-person or virtual, must go through this registration page.


Technical requirements for virtual attendance:


  • Stable internet connection

  • Zoom account


Once you complete the registration and payment process you will receive a PayPal receipt confirming your payment as well as a confirmation email from I HEART VT with instructions on how to access the connection links for the Congress sessions. You do not need an I HEART VT subscription to participate, but you will need to create an account on the I HEART VT website. There is no additional cost in setting up your I HEART VT account.

In-Person attendance information:

Springhill Suites
2950 South Water Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203  
Phone: 412-488-8003


Mention Middle Atlantic Congress Room Block: $129/night + tax


  • Saturday and Sunday only

  • Limited space

  • Social distancing and vaccination guidelines in place

  • All meals are on your own

  • In-Person attendees will also receive online access

  • Registration includes attendance certificate for live hours attended, attendance hours submitted to ARBO, access to the live and online Congress sessions, and access to the Congress recordings for 30 days through I HEART VT. 

Session 1 is open to all I HEART VT subscribers

Establishing the VISUAL in Rehabilitation and Trainings

Registration is open for MAOC 2021

The recordings of all sessions will be available after the event ends for all registrants.

(loading) in-person registration slots are still open!

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Once registered you will be able to pre-register to the MAOC seminars listed above. If you'd like access to the complete VT Archive of hundreds of sessions, you can purchase a plan for that here.



If you already have a paid I HEART VT subscription




Once you log in, visit MAOC Seminars to access the sessions.



If you joined us in April but have not logged in since then you will need to first reset your password:


How to join the sessions

Once you have created your account, pre-registered, and log in, you can click the "MAOC Sessions" button below to see the list of sessions. Click the registration link to register before a session begins.





Join us for more great content!

Once you set up your account, you will be able to access the MAOC seminar above as long as you are pre-registered. If you are interested in accessing any of the other wonderful content on the I HEART VT platform you will need to purchase a subscription. This will give you access to all of the content, live and recorded, on the platform! You can choose either a month to month 30 day subscription or a rolling, uninterrupted subscription that automatically renews each month. 


In June we had an exclusive interview with Dr. “Stereo Sue” Barry hosted by Dr. Paul Harris as well as content from speakers David Cook, Richard Bruenech, Curt Baxstrom, Rob Lewis and more!  


For any questions regarding your I HEART VT access please contact us at​



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