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The Eastern States Optometric
Congress 2022

The Eastern States Optometric Congress operates under the auspices of the Optometric Extension Program Foundation (OEPF) and is hosted locally by the Eastern States Optometric Congress committee.
This year’s program will be delivered in virtual format through I HEART VT.
7 Hours COPE CE approved

Eastern Sates Optometric Congress
Registration is now open for ESOC 2022
The recordings of all sessions will be available after the event ends for all registrants.
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Eastern States Optometric Congress 2022​
Joanna Carter, OD
Jack Richman, OD
Under the Auspices of OEPF
Sponsored by: Bernell, Expansion Consultants, Vision is More than 20/20, VTI Vision, and Vivid Vision
Congress Schedule
Sunday – November 13th
SESSION 1: 8:50 AM – 11:40 AM (US ET)
Eye Movements, Reading, Visual Attention, and Automaticity: Are They All Related?
Jack Richman, OD
COPE ID: 79900-FV
There has been a presumed relationship between eye movements and reading performance for many years. However, it may be that dysfunctions observed in eye movements in reading are simply an indication of disruptions in visual attention functioning and lack of efficiency in vision information processing (automaticity). Explored and discussed will be the relationship of the unique role of visual attention and automaticity in the diagnosis and management of oculomotor and binocular vision disorders.
SESSION 2: 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM (US ET)
When the Doctor is the Patient: A Personal Perspective of Traumatic Brain Injury.
Jack Richman, OD
COPE ID: 79989-NO
Offered is a personal perspective as a neuro optometrist and as a patient who suffered a severe TBI after a fall leading to a large subdural hematoma requiring urgent neurosurgery.
Described are experiences and challenges in the recognition and diagnosis of the traumatic brain injury, acute care stage, and the lengthy rehabilitation care process.
Throughout this journey, observations, both good and bad, will be described of the healthcare and the effect on the patient, family and friends. Insights, suggestions, and observations for improving the overall approach to care of the TBI patient will be offered.
SESSION 3: 1:50 PM – 3:30 PM (US ET)
Five Pitfalls of Neuro-Optometry
Joanna Carter, OD
COPE ID: 80737-NO
The purpose of this two-hour lecture is to discuss five common challenges that neuro-optometric providers may face during the rehabilitation process with their patients. These specific challenges may present as surprise roadblocks (or pitfalls) during the course of treatment. Case examples and current research will provide insight on managing recovery time, plateau in recovery, mental health, litigation issues and re-injury. In addition to the author’s pearls, interaction with the audience is strongly encouraged.
SESSION 4: 3:40 PM – 4:30 PM (US ET)
Under the Surface: Vision and Mental Health
Joanna Carter, OD
COPE ID: 79297-FV
The purpose of this one-hour lecture is to demonstrate how vision and mental health problems are often intertwined. In many cases, patients are symptomatic for years because their visual systems are overlooked. Cases will be presented where mental health problems are a primary symptom of the patient's underlying visual condition. The use of lenses and selective occlusion will show improvement in visual and overall function. Patients will share their experiences.
Congress Details
Registration (ODs or VTs): $210 USD
Optometry Students: $50 USD
Payment can be made by Credit Card, Debit Card, or PayPal Account
Refunds will not be available once the Congress begins.
Registration includes attendance certificate for live hours attended, COPE CE credits, access to the live Congress sessions, and access to the Congress recordings for 90 days.
This event is appropriate for Optometrists, Optometry Residents, Vision Therapists, and Optometry Students.
This seminar is presented in English
Open to participants around the world
All registration must go through this registration page.
Technical requirements for attending:
Stable internet connection
Zoom account
Once you complete the registration and payment process you will receive a PayPal receipt confirming your payment as well as a confirmation email from I HEART VT with instructions on how to access the connection links for the Congress sessions. You do not need an I HEART VT subscription to participate, but you will need to create an account on the I HEART VT website. There is no additional cost in setting up your I HEART VT account.

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In June we had an exclusive interview with Dr. “Stereo Sue” Barry hosted by Dr. Paul Harris as well as content from speakers David Cook, Richard Bruenech, Curt Baxstrom, Rob Lewis and more!
For any questions regarding your I HEART VT access please contact us at iheartvt@seevividly.com​